SPANISH PUNK çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¾ SPANISH PUNK ½ ============== ¼ Written by d-Orb/tPHa ¹ Spain has quite a lot of good bands. Even though they're good, they're unknown, basically because of the lack of strong independant producers, and the reticence of radio stations to have good alternative music programs. A kind of music which is usually tagged as "pure british" is punk. I have heard good punk from France and the Netherlands. And spanish punk is also extremely good. I will only talk about one band, from the basque country. In this part of Spain, you'll be able to find millions of bands like that. They're really interesting, and, unfortunately, unknown outside Spain. Of course, all the parts of Spain which are exploited have this bands (Extramadura, Andalucía, Galiza, Asturies...). This band is La Polla Records. They sing in Spanish, and they're quite famous in Spain. At the moment they have about 11 records out, under Ohiuka, their label. Their lyrics are a criticism of our society, the rotten politicians (Demócrata y cristiano), the cops (El sitio donde vivo), the environment (Un rayo de Sol) and the catholic religion (Salve). This criticism is quite acrid, specially directed towards the church, the fascists and the government. Here go some lyrics... ¶² NUESTRA ALEGRE JUVENTUD. ³No disfrutamos en el paro, ni disfrutamos trabajando. NO ¿Que podemos hacer con tanto dinero? ¿Que podemos hacer con las ventajas sociales? Vamos dejando pasar nuestra alegre juventud. ¿Qué más se puede pedir? Nuestra alegre juventud! Los maderos cuidan de tu seguridad... tururú Estando con ellos nada te puede pasar Vamos dejando pasar nuestra alegre juventud ¿Qué más se puede pedir? Nuestra alegre Juventud. Es increíble como resiste el Sistema Os felicito, y os doy mi enhorabuena Vamos dejando pasar nuestra alegre juventud ¿Qué mas se puede pedir, si más ya no nos van a dar por culo? ¢*Translated, this looks like: ¼We don't have fun in the dole We don't have fun when we're working NO, NO What can we do with so much dough? What can we do with all this social advantages? We're letting our youth go by What else can we ask for, our happy youth! ¶¼The cops are are lookin' after ya, noway! Living with them nothing won't happen to you. We're letting our youth go by What else can we ask for, our happy youth? It's quite incredible how the system resist I congratulate you, and I give you my best wishes We're letting our youth go by What else can we ask for, if we won't be more assfucked? ²*Unfortunately, the translation isn't a good one, but it shows a bit how the songs are set up: short but intense. ¹The concerts are brilliant, with the singer, Evaristo, asking everyone to revolt, and swaring against the priests, and all that. Unfortunately, you have to be really good on Spanish to understand what he says. Also, some other bands exist, but this is the most famous. Some examples could be bands more based on Ska than punk, perhaps a mixture, like Negu Gorriak, Kortatu, Apártate ke piso mierda, Extremoduro and some more. Some good Death Metal bands can also be found around: Necrophyliac, Sepulcro, Living Pain, ChocoKrispies, Frustradicción.... And we also have a VERY GOOD Heavy Metal band called Los Suaves, which is the best group to be found on Spain. And that was all, hope you enjoyed it, but it isn't through text that you'll learn about music. You know, you gotta listen to it.